August 19, 2024 2:25pm EST
The Ace of Water, The Empress reversed, Justice reversed

I was reading this morning about the @pieceforpeace_movement which is a global coming together to spread peace on this planet. The catalyst is a creation of a piece for peace. Making an art piece with the word peace in it or simply painting, drawing, or creating the word “peace” or the TAOH symbol (the awakening of humanity).
Here in Charlotte we have @osirisrain that has founded the @taohoutdoorgallery bringing in the vision from @pieceforpeace_movement. Check it out on Instagram.
How did I only hear about this now?!
Thank you @markdoepker for sharing this on your social media.
I keep pinching myself as this shift is becoming more palatable. I always believed this was coming, but there is nothing like feeling it!
I was talking with a good friend the other night that loves people and enjoys being in service. We were discussing how important it is to untangle ourselves from all that we have put on to be liked, to fit in, and to be seen as valuable in this World. Because under all that is your True Essence.
And your True Essence is perfection.
We are all created from love thus love is our natural state.
Everything else is a distortion.
I often think that in the Natal chart, Venus can be about conditional love while Neptune is unconditional love. Conditional love could be as simple as the fact that you wouldn’t let everyone move into your house, or ride with you to work. Obviously. But we have gone pretty far over the line and created really harsh conditions out in the World haven’t we?
There are those that thrive, those that sleep on the street and/or struggle to make ends meet. And, as of late, it seems that once you are down it is probably pretty hard to get back up.
And that ain’t love.
The Earth Plane is receiving so much love these days to help us make this shift.
So the energies are ripe for us to make the changes we need to make.
Spend sometime today, if you like, breathing in gratitude horizontally around your heart in a figure 8 (see Pam Gregory’s YouTube on The Power of Walking the Eight if you like). Breathe with a grateful heart while you think about your pet, your home, food, laughter, friends, bees, sunshine, art, peace, etc..
Then see how you can get out of your comfort zone and spread more love. It may look like talking to someone you pass on the street, or giving someone on the street money for a meal, smiling at someone that is frowning at you, or deciding to love someone that has been difficult for you to love.
It takes so much more energy to dislike someone than it does to love them.
In this Full Moon chart there are three T squares and they all involve Venus. One is Venus opposing Saturn and squaring Jupiter and Mars. The other is Uranus in Taurus (Taurus is a Venus sign) squaring the Sun and Moon. The last is Ceres square the Nodes of the Moon which are in Libra and Aries (Libra is a Venus sign).
T squares in a chart represent energies that are at odds. So there is a need to work together and create something new.
The cards that I drew were:
Ace of Water and Water represents spirituality, relationships (Venus rules relationships), feelings, intuition and emotions.
The Empress card is a Venus card.
Justice is a Libra card and Venus rules Libra.
The funny thing about the Justice card is I often think of it as a quest for peace.
Venus also represents our gifts, inner resources, abundance and our value.
So there is distortion, right? No person is more valuable than another.
And, we live in an abundant World full of people that are brimming with creative gifts.
I guess it is time to right this upside down ship.
Are You In?
Happy Full Moon in Aquarius!
These are my creations of the Ace of Water, The Empress and The Justice card.
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