May 28, 2023
This is my creation of The Lovers Card ~ Copyright © Stephanie Chesson 2023

I am visualizing Saturn in Pisces in so many ways and it sure is beautiful and overwhelming at the same time.
Lately I have been looking at Saturn’s transit in Pisces as one of tying up loose ends.
Perhaps Saturn is asking us to be responsible for all that we have created during Saturn’s transit around the Astrological wheel (Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac).
Saturn was last in Pisces from May 21, 1993 - April 7, 1996.
What were you doing during that time? What were you birthing? What were you creating and structuring through love?
Are you still working from this same structure? Are there new things that you want to birth?
What do you need to finish up before you jump fully into the new?
And, we will want to tidy up these loose ends because we probably don’t want to be carrying our heavy baggage into our new creations.
This is a great time for dreaming, planning AND finishing projects. We simply don’t need all this stuff (… and I sure have been seeing the excess of “stuff” lately in my life).
When Saturn enters Aries in May 2025 for the first time since April 1996, we will want to be light on our feet because things are going to be moving FAST.
We do want the freedom of fast moving energy straight from Source, right?
The Sun in Gemini today is asking us to look at our choices.
The choices that we make in every single moment.
How we view things. What we criticize. What we judge. What we love.
Can we look at everything and everybody as an aspect of creation through the eyes of unconditional love?
Pisces is all about unconditional love, our Trust in God/Quantum/Universe/Creation/Nature, and it is about neutrality.
In this case, I am thinking of neutrality through the lens of knowing that everyone and everything has free will.
… So let it ride unless they ask for your advice or help (or if they are hurting themselves or others).
Let everyone learn what they need to learn. Don’t judge yourself or anyone else. We are all learning AND we learn much better through love.
We can use that beautiful Gemini medicine of curiosity, wonder and play.
Gemini does not hold dogma and has the ability to see that two things can be true at the same time. Genius!
So it is a mutable/flexible day. A day that you could decide to make every choice that you have through the energy of love instead of fear. Moment by moment. Consciously.
Here is an @paulselig teaching that you could use today:
“I am Word through my choices.”
- *this mantra is based on Paul Selig’s teachings*
Saturn’s transit will show up in different areas and expressions in everyone’s chart. If you would like to see how it is showing up in your life, look at what house Saturn is transiting in your chart, or message/email me for a reading.
This is my creation of The Lovers Card which is a Gemini card.
Much Love,