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Saturn in Pisces square Mercury in Gemini


June 15, 2023

There are so many ways to see Saturn in Pisces.

The game changer for me, as of late, has been this:

It is solidly my responsibility to structure my days so there is time for what I value most.

And, what is of most importance, is what we are creating in our life.

Creating is like a womb space.

Therefore, we must give our creations what they need to thrive.

What were you doing when Mercury and Saturn met in Aquarius on March 2nd and began this new journey?

Chances are, with Mercury and Saturn together in Aquarius (in early March), we were busy bees.

We might have had all kinds of ideas blooming.

But we can’t do it all. So, if you are like me, you have had to make hard choices about what stays in your creative space.

After all, there is only so much time in a day.

And Saturn is a time keeper.

So these two planets coming to a square today is a check in (Saturn does love accountability:).

Whatever you are creating; be it a romance, an art project, a new business, a more active social life, a new identity, a different way of BEing in the world, etc. ... How is it going?

Have you given it, and yourself, unconditional love, loose boundaries (you don’t want to be a helicopter mom), and time?

Have you made it matter by nourishing it with love and attention?

That’s it.

This is simply a check in.

Saturn can seem harsh, but in reality this planet gifts us lessons in responsibility so that we can build the life we desire.

Establishing day to day responsibilities that create more joy in your life and therefore in our World.

This is my creation of The World card, which is a Saturn card.

Much love today and always!



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