November 1, 2024 8:47am EDT
Justice, The 10 of Fire and The Star
Bottom of the deck energy: The Tower

I meant to do this read on Friday, the day of the New Moon. However, some lovelier than lovely friends asked me to join them for dinner, and I decided to put down my work for the night.
Just so you know, this is not my norm.
Then, I was going to do this read on Saturday, but another amazing friend and I made a day of it … which was exactly what I needed because I was exhausted from work.
So, I did what I never do, and took time for myself.
I put down all the work for an evening and a day, and didn’t even answer emails.
Today I woke up refreshed and with renewed energy.
I think we can all agree that the World is a crazy hot mess right now.
It’s like we are watching a dramatic movie instead of looking at the reality of our World's structures and systems.
And, all that drama can make your head spin. It can shake you off your foundation.
Therefore, it’s time for us to pull back from the insanity.
To dive into our inner world instead of focusing on the outer.
When we change our inner world our outer world transforms as well.
As Pam Gregory often says, “go to your Eagle’s perch” … or in other words, rise above the problems.
… Because, you can never solve a problem at the same level it was created - thank you Albert Einstein!
Now is the time to regain your love, generosity, hope and power by going inward.
Set your sights high, and then, allow Spirit to move you even higher.
You’ll only gain a new perspective :)
The World is changing.
And, we definitely need a change.
What we have been witnessing is simply the last rumblings of the old … as it falls.
Follow your light.
Follow your inspiration.
Pour love into yourself and everything you do in the World.
… Even the smallest things.
Let what is meant to fall, fall … within and without.
We can’t take the old with us.
Lighten your load … just like I did for this New Moon read.
And, from that lightened load, I regained my power.
Happy New Moon in Scorpio (this past Friday)!
These are my creations of Justice, The Ten of Fire, The Star and The Tower.
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