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New Moon in Leo

Stephanie Chesson

August 4, 2024. 7:13am EST

The Tower, The High Priestess and The 3 of Earth reversed

I find the World fascinating right now.

It’s crazy, right?!

We keep choosing division over unity again and again even though it has never worked.

We have made some people extremely valuable while alienating others.  

And we assign value to people based on their job title, income bracket or what they have.

I met a man yesterday morning.  

He had the bestest smile with a gap between his front teeth that I always love.

He apologized for the beer he was drinking and said he had no money for food.

So I gave him some money so he could fill his stomach.

We talked for quite a while.

Mostly about God, Source, Quantum, the Divine, … whatever you wish to call it.

But we also talked about this Earth plane and how things can feel so backwards here if you aren’t centered in your own inner World.

It was a gift to talk to this man, and, before I left, I gave him a bit more finances for his journey.

He was an actual real person … I think.

But I do believe he was sent to me straight from God.

Lately I have been having a time getting over old habitual thinking. 

But yesterday I made the decision to just BE 

To put down the thinking that gets me nowhere fast.

Then I met this aforementioned gentleman who reminded me why I am here.  

He helped me remember my purpose.

While I was talking to him about who he truly was, it woke me up to who I truly am.

I don’t have it as tough as this man.  

So, if I am saying that he can do this … well, then I can too.

I truly believe that we all come from the same Source and we are simply different aspects of that Source.  

Therefore, when we parted, I told him I enjoyed talking to God and I thanked him for his time.

Why is it so hard for us to get along?

If we are all different aspects of the same, wouldn’t that mean we need each other?

It seems to me, that if we wish to have love and peace on this planet, we need to value everyone.

Lately I have been thinking about how different it would be if everyone knew they were valued.  

Not just the stars in Hollywood, not just the athletes, not just the politicians or the people that run the largest corporations … but everyone.  

So we are on a precipice.

And man you can feel it.

The old game is coming to an end and what lies ahead is simply amazing.

Do me three favors if you will.

First, go fall in love with someone that you think you wouldn’t like.  Watch as their eyes twinkle or how they giggle with excitement over something that seems mundane to you.  

In other words, love them and learn something from them.  

Secondly, start making your internal world more important than the external world.  

Spend time with your eyes shut and your head in the clouds.  Picture what you would like your world to look like … but, be open to it being much grander than you could ever imagine.  

Then go out in the world and behave as if it is so.  

Build your outer world from your inner dream.

Lastly drop into your heart.

Allow your heart to influence your brain (instead of the other way around :)

For the Astrology lovers out there.  Check out the Yod in this New Moon chart (Venus, Neptune and Pluto with Venus at the apex).

Pretty darn cool.

Much love on this New Moon in Leo!

These are my creations of The Tower, The High Priestess and The Three of Earth.

If you want more information on my services please DM me or go to


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