December 6, 2024
Tarot card offering:
The Page of Earth backed by The Nine of Earth

I love this image of the Page of Earth. It is like this person just broke through from some other realm and is investigating this Earth realm for the first time.
And, in a lot of ways this is true for all of us.
The vibration on Earth has changed dramatically, and will continue to change for some time.
So throw out your old dictionary! You haven’t been here before.
Be in a place of discovery. Let curiosity, magic and wonder be your guides, just like a child.
No matter what you believe, you have never seen this moment before and you will never see it again.
Dive in! Explore!
Since we are travelers in a new realm, perhaps we start behaving differently.
Maybe we become more alive and we fully participate in every moment.
While this time is new we are also reviewing some old territory.
Mercury turned Retrograde on November 25 and will not be out of this old territory (or shadow) until January 2, 2025. So we are revisiting our conversations, thoughts, communications, perceptions, etc. since November 25th of this year.
Mars will not be out of its shadow (or old territory) until May 2, 2025. So we are reviewing our actions, energy, vitality and ambition since October 5th of this year.
Perhaps when we covered this ground before, we brought in the same old conversations and actions. Maybe we weren’t considering the new frequency on Earth and our new higher vibration.
Throw out your ideas about what things are and how the World works. Talk to a plant, dance with your dog, look at everything as a creation of the Divine.
And, if you are looking at everything as Divine, how does that thought change your energy and your communications?
Love every moment of every day (even if you really don't - know something amazing is still happening under the surface).
Make things matter.
Bring the Divine down to Earth in every action and in every conversation.
Because you are helping create this new World.
Mars is out of bounds (more eccentric, genius and erratic) from December 31 to until April 6th. This is some good energy, but use it wisely!
When a planet is out of bounds it can be a bit roque and act in ways that are outside of our moral compass. Make sure you are aligning with your True Self and Higher Self during this time. Allow the higher aspects of you to drive your ship.
Lastly, when you are communicating with others today read the room. Consider everyone. We are all in this together.
Make sure love is the foundation for your thoughts and words.
Much love!
These are my creations of the Page of Earth and The Nine of Earth