December 15, 2024
4:01am EST
Justice, The 7 of Water and The Hermit

In the Thoth deck the Justice card is called Adjustment.
And Justice (or Adjustment) is a Libra card.
We are currently finishing up our karmic work in Libra and Aries. On January 11, 2025 the nodal axis will move from Libra/Aries to Virgo/Pisces.
There is work to be done before this shift, and so the Justice card asks this question of us:
“What adjustments are needed for you to live in your Truth?”
Rachel Pollack speaks of this as “occupying the land.”
The land of our True Self which balances these areas of our life:
Our conditioning to the current structures, laws, status quo and goals
Our imprinting, inner foundation, nurturing, subconscious and intuition
Our spirit, gut responses, instinctual nature and our will
Our relationships and how we harmonize and live peacefully with others
In other words, how to live in our Truth and Authentic expression.
We have been taught to desire the external when what we really need lies within us.
Recently I was asked what I most desired.
This is always a tough question for me.
I have visions for this life of mine, but all of these manifestations, while wonderful will not change who I truly am.
But, what I most desire, would change how I move and interact on this Earth plane.
I wish to Know that I am an aspect of the Divine.
To never forget.
And, of course, to know that everything and everyone else that I encounter is also an aspect of the Divine.
This weekend I was talking with a friend. It was a bit of a pep talk.
Afterwards I told her that I may speak with such conviction about the Truth of who she is but, like everyone else, I forget this Truth about myself at least several times a day.
This is why I love to help others.
Because it helps me to remember.
As we close out the Full Moons of this 2024 year, this is my wish for us all. That we dump the confusion, worry and doubt about who and what we are. And we occupy the land of our True Self where our Divine Expression can bring Light and Truth to this World.
Much love!
These are my creations of The Justice card, The 7 of Water and The Hermit card.
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