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Full Moon in Capricorn

Stephanie Chesson

July 21, 2024 6:17am

The 8 of Water reversed, Strength and the 7 of Water reversed

We can learn a lot from nature.

As a matter of fact, we are nature.

I have been reading about the Medicine Wheel from Joe Landwehr and it feels like poetry to my soul.

The Medicine Wheel utilizes the momentum that comes from within us and combines it with the external flow of life around us allowing for a more intuitive response.

Moving with nature :)

I love it!

As human beings we often try and power over nature instead of working with it.  

But nature always wins.

Landwehr explains it this way:

If the wind is moving from the East, you use common sense as your guide.  

The wind from the South invites you to move into your heart space and listen to your deepest desires.

The West asks that we summon our courage to trust and surrender.

Lastly the North suggests we go to elders or family members for advice.  

Really cool, right?  

It seems that we are finally ready to leave this man made era and embark on a new journey.

While this is exciting we do need to make sure we take a good look at what we have created in this World thus far and learn from it.

To sit with it.  

Accept it.

And love it.

Because love changes everything.

Much of what we have created has been from the fear of not having enough, not being enough, not knowing enough, not loving enough, etc..

So, can we drop that illusion and know that we are enough?

Can we move with the wind as our guide?

Trusting our senses to guide us into the unknown.

This requires us to step into our sensitive nature.  

To be fully present.

Moving with our intuition and leading with our heart.

Allowing nature to direct us.

No longer demanding life go a certain way.

Using our sensitivity as our strength. 

And, knowing in our heart that everything we receive is a blessing.

Here’s to creating a new experience on Earth together!

Much love on this Full Moon in Capricorn!

These are my creations of The 8 of Water, Strength and the 7 of Water.



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